About Our Founder

A Brief Look

Dr. Ruth Tanyi, DrPH, NP, ACSM HFS; CNS; MA Ministry.

Dr. Ruth Tanyi  is a Bible Teacher, Doctor of Preventive Care/Integrative Medicine, Board Certified Nutritionist and Exercise Physiologist.  She  is  the  founder/CEO of Dr. Ruth Tanyi Ministries, a non- denominational Christian, non-profit ministry located in San Bernardino, California, with primary focus on spreading the uncompromising Gospel of Jesus Christ; sharing God’s unconditional love and grace, while concurrently teaching others how to integrate Bible-based principles with medical lifestyle practices in order to prevent and overcome diseases.

Even before being healed by God from Metastasis Colon cancer and other diseases in 2009, Dr Ruth felt called by God into ministry. However, since her healing and experiential knowledge and revelation of the love and grace of God, she has become an ardent student and and teacher of the Word of God.

Dr Ruth’s greatest desire is to tell others about God’s unconditional love and grace, which she supernaturally experienced, and to teach individuals the lessons she learnt from God on how she received her healing, thereby helping others to be set free as well. Since God is no respecter of persons, Dr Ruth wants to strengthen others by reminding them that if God can heal her, He (God), can set them free as well regardless of the doctor’s diagnosis or prognosis: All things are possible with God.  Dr Ruth is a public speaker and author, and offers a CD and DVD teaching library in addition to books on various topics ranging from the essential doctrines of true Christianity, to teachings on the very essential connection between God’s Word  and Medicine.

Dr Ruth is also actively involved in the Body of Christ via her involvement with other ministries in advancing the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and in espousing the necessity of knowing God’s Word. From about 2007 until 2016, Dr Ruth faithfully served as a volunteer at her local church: Abundant Living Family Church ( ALFC ) in Rancho Cucamonga, California under the leadership of Pastor Diego Mesa; and while there, she counseled  and taught individuals about the interconnectedness between God’s Word and medical lifestyle practices, and witnessed many transformed lives. She also served as a prayer minister with Andrew Wommack Ministries under the leadership of Andrew Wommack, during his 2016 and 2017 Gospel Truth Conferences in Phoenix, Arizona and Riverside, California, where she prayed for countless individuals and witnessed their healings and deliverances from all sorts of diseases and bondages.

Then in 2016, the Lord “opened a door”, and Dr Ruth was invited by Word Net Production under the leadership of Fr Mike Manning (now deceased), as a guest minister for a Television series called Catholic Insights with Fr Mike Manning, to discuss and educate the public on the major differences between Protestants and Catholics expression of true Christianity. This Television series was initially broadcast through various Christian Networks such as the Church Channel (a TBN Network), TCT, WordNet TV, etc , and it is currently being broadcast on various Christian Networks across the world, reaching millions of people and changing countless lives.

Dr Ruth considers herself to be a non-denominational Bible believing Christian, with a deep desire to fellowship and work with fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, regardless of denominational differences, for the common goal of advancing God’s Kingdom and proclaiming the Gospel Message of Jesus Christ in these last days.

Prior to her calling into ministry, she had produced numerous TV series on lifestyle practices and disease prevention which aired throughout Southern California, and are still broadcasting through various media such as True Health Broadcasting Network, and SmartLifestyleTV, a division of LLBN Network worldwide. Her award winning TV series “Bad Sugar”® which focused on Diabetes, in addition to her other TV teachings on lifestyle and disease prevention continues to change thousands of lives.

Dr Ruth has published numerous academic peer-reviewed journal articles and research papers, and she continues to serve as external reviewer for various International academic peer-reviewed journals. She is still pursuing her academic research in the area of lifestyle practices in preventing and overcoming depression. She has been nominated and selected in WHO IS WHO IN AMERICA and in WHO IS WHO IN Medicine and Healthcare. She is in private practice in San Bernardino California, and lives in Southern California.

To contact Dr Tanyi to speak at your event, church or non-Christian event, email her at: DrRuth@DrRuthTanyi.org, or call (909) 383 7978.