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Bible Devotionals

Christmas – 2024

Christmas 2024

Living Faith That Receive God’s Best– Lessons From Mary

The Christmas season represents a season of expectations. What are we expecting? We are expecting lots of love through giving and receiving, joy through fellowship with others; hope as we look forward to spending time with loved ones, etc, etc. […]

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You Are Blessed This Thanksgiving – 2024

You Are Blessed This Thanksgiving – 2024

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, NIV

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.

As the Scripture above states, we, as God’s children, should always be thankful, and be Joyful regardless of […]

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You Are Overcoming W/ God!

You Are Overcoming With God!

1 Corinthians 10:13, NIV

“No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way […]

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The Gift Of Hope

The Gift Of Hope

“Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a dream fulfilled is a tree of life.”

(Proverbs 13:12, NLT)

Friends, The Bible teaches that our Hope in Christ Jesus is the Anchor of our Souls (1 Peter 1:3; Isaiah 40:31; Psalm 33:20, etc.). Conversely, without […]

By |September 9th, 2024|Categories: Bible Devotional Readings|Comments Off on The Gift Of Hope

Gods’ Grace Is Your Lifeline! Lamentations 3:22-23, NIV

Gods’ Grace Is Your Lifeline!
Lamentations 3:22-23, NIV

“Because of the LORD’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.”

Friends, as you live out today and approach every day, take a moment to Meditate, and be encouraged by the […]

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Mind/Body/Spirit Approach To Your Health

Mind/Body/Spirit Approach To Your Health

Greetings Friends:

The Bible teaches that God desires that we excel in our health (3 John 2); hence, God in His Love and Grace has provided to us the “How To”, in order for us to approach our health from a Mind/Body/Spirit Biblical Approach and overcome!  So, in […]

By |September 9th, 2024|Categories: Bible Devotional Readings|Comments Off on Mind/Body/Spirit Approach To Your Health

Christmas is About God’s Best Gift To Mankind- Forgiveness

“Christmas is About God’s Best Gift To Mankind- Forgiveness”

Christmas is indeed the best time of the year – a time when we, as a Body of Believers in Christ celebrate the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ into this World (see Matthew 1: 18-22; Luke 2: 1-21). […]

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Hearing From God

“Oh God, Why Haven’t You Answered Me?”

Unanswered prayers are often frustrating, and the Bible teaches several reasons why our prayers can go unanswered-–you pray for selfish reasons-–you ask according to your own pleasure, not according to God’s will, etc.  Since God is not our personal genie, if you want your prayers […]

By |May 17th, 2023|Categories: Bible Devotional Readings|Comments Off on Hearing From God

September 2021 Devotional

“Whose Report Are You Going to Believe?”

Regardless of your current circumstance(s), whether it is a sickness in your body, a financial crisis, a divorce, etc, choose God’s report and overcome! Consider this promise from the Lord Jesus, Truly I tell you, if anyone says to this mountain, ‘Go, throw yourself into the sea,’ and does not doubt in their heart but believes that what they say will happen, it will be done for them.  Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours [Mark 11:23-24, NIV]-–Do you believe in this promise? Many who have believed in this straight forward promise (to the extent that their believing is consistent with God’s Word) have received from Him!

As an example, Abraham did not consider his body or the deadness of Sarah’s womb, but he BELIEVED the report of the Lord saying, “So shall your seed be” [Romans 4:17-21]. Joseph didn’t sit in the corner of a prison cell and fret and fuss all day over his situation-–He focused on God and determined he would not doubt Him, but would fight fear through faith by stepping out in courage. In Mark 5:25-34, the woman with the issue of blood heard the report about Jesus; while doctors could not heal her, she BELIEVED and touched Jesus’ garment and was healed. Proverbs 4:22 teaches that God’s word is “health to all your flesh,” and it works for those who find it. Job 22:28 states: “You shall decree a thing and it shall be established.” Today, decree and declare that no weapon formed against you or your family in any way shall not prosper, and every tongue that shall rise against you in judgment you shall condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord [Isaiah 54:17].

You Are Precious To God!

Consider what Jesus does for the ‘fowls’ of the air. “They do not sow, reap nor gather, yet God feeds them. Are you not greater? Consider what Jesus does for the lilies of the field and the grass of the field” [Matthew 6:25-30]. Since God looks after all these, and you are greater than all these, shall he not much more look after you? So whose report are you going to believe in order to overcome your crises-–God’s or Man’s? Friend, to overcome, it is essential to learn how to trust God, no matter what! Habakkuk says, “I heard, and my heart pounded, my lips quivered at the sound; decay crept into my bones, and my legs trembled, YET WILL I TRUST GOD NO MATTER WHAT!” “I will be joyful in God my Savior” [Habakkuk 3:16-18]; Job said, “Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him… He also shall be my salvation… I know that I shall be vindicated” [Job 13:15-18].

Allow God’s Power To Flow

The Bible teaches that fear and doubt will quench the power of God [1 John 4:18].  So Instead of allowing fear and doubt in your heart, do what Nehemiah did -– Stay God focused, and remember His sovereignty, providence, and power!  Clearly, Joseph didn’t sit in the corner of a prison cell and fret and fuss all day over his situation. He wouldn’t have been the man of faith that he was if he did. He focused on God and determined he would not doubt Him, but would fight fear through faith—Brethren, God is fighting your battles for you-–He has promised you this-– For ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world [1 John 4:4]. So trust that God is with you! Here is another powerful promise from God to you: The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The LORD is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? [Psalms 27:1].

Your Troubles Are Nothing For God!

I ask you: Do you believe that God has the power to help you? Do you believe that the battle belongs to the Lord? [2 Chronicles 20: 15]. No matter what you are facing, trust God to deliver you, just like David. David faced a choice – to stand and fight in the power and name of the Lord and under His authority, or to cower in fear and run away from the battle. David, in childlike faith, chose to stand alone with God; and in doing so, he triumphed with just a sling and a stone because he had confidence in God [1 Samuel 17]. Like David, we have two choices in life: We can allow our lives to be controlled by fear, or we can take control of our fears and live by faith in God’s promises. What are you going to do?  Are you going to coward in fear or stand on the authority of God? I hope you choose to stand on the authority of God and experience His deliverance!

We have all been to the place where we’ve had to deal with giants ̶ giants like worry, doubt, fear, anxiety, and depression. Whatever it has been, we’ve wandered through those dry valleys looking for answers, and sometimes we come up empty. We feel and have felt a lot like David standing in the shadow of Goliath. But as David has proven, only a heart filled with faith can face the impossible and know that God can change it.

You Have The Faith To Overcome!

Abraham had sufficient faith to look directly at the impossible and yet be fully persuaded that God was able to perform what He had promised. Abraham had a clear understanding of how impossible his situation was. Both he and Sarah were beyond the age of bearing a child, but God had promised that they would. So, in Abraham’s heart, the reality of God’s promise was more real than the facts about their situation. He did not ignore the facts, but rather he considered the facts as temporary and God’s promise as permanent and real [Genesis 12:1-9; Hebrews 11:8-12].

So today, I am asking you: Are you willing to step out in faith and trust God by taking one step at a time, knowing that God is bigger than your problems, and that He is willing and able to help you?  In other words, faith has the courage to look at what currently is and still know what will be. Faith ‘calls those things which be not as though they were’ [Romans 4:17]. This is the creative power of faith, bringing the power and presence of God into any situation. How then do you receive this faith? By running to the Word of God, and by seeking God till you get the answer you desire-–when operating in faith, you will experience the victory! The Bible says that ‘Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God’ [Romans 10:17]. So Seek God till you hear from Him directly.

You know, there is an old devotional book based on the final verse in Habakkuk written by Hannah Hurnard called Hinds’ Feet on High Places. The book tells the story of a girl named “Much Afraid” and her own journey from doubt to faith. Her story begins as she leaves the “Valley of Fear.” It is all she has ever known, but in faith she embarks on a new journey. Her path is marked by much sorrow and suffering along the way, but through it all she learns to depend on God and find her strength in Him alone. And as she learns to trust God no matter what, He leads her to the higher places of fellowship with Him for which she has always longed.

I pray that God will lead you to that place where you will learn to trust Him no matter what, so you too may run along the heights in God’s presence with feet like a deer.  “The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers fear” [Nelson Mandela]. And the Lord Jesus said, “…Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid” [John 14:27].

Friend, meditate on this promise from God and believe His report:

“I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust. Surely, he will save you from the fowler’s snare and from the deadly pestilence. He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart. You will not fear the terror of night, nor the arrow that flies by day, nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness, nor the plague that destroys at midday. A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, but it will not come near you. You will only observe with your eyes and see the punishment of the wicked” [Psalms 91:2-13].

In conclusion, whose report are you going to believe? [Isaiah 53:1]. Friend, God has equipped you as an overcomer! – Choose His report – He is for you and not against you! [Romans 8:31], in Jesus name, Amen!

By: Lou Yeboah
Executive Editor, Dr. Ruth Tanyi

“God Our Deliverer – Choose Hope!”

How long, Lord? Will you forget me forever?
How long will you hide your face from me? (Psalm 13:1, NIV)

This lament of David in Psalm 13:1 is a cry from the heart from someone who feels that he is alone and forsaken, isolated, forgotten, and cut off from the favor of the Lord.  David continues in Psalm 13: 2-4, “How long must I wrestle with my thoughts and day after day have sorrow in my heart? How long will my enemy triumph over me? Look on me and answer, Lord my God. Give light to my eyes, or I will sleep in death, and my enemy will say, “I have overcome him,” and my foes will rejoice when I fall.”

David’s soul is crying out in bitter anguish of mind and inner confusion of the soul because the Lord seems to have forgotten all about him. David could not understand why the Lord was delaying the help he desperately needed. So he challenged the Lord with multiple questions: How long, Oh LORD? How long shall I take counsel in my soul, having sorrow in my heart all the day?

David wanted to know how long the bitter trial and manifold difficulties that were flooding into his life would continue before the Lord would step in to right the wrong, and comfort him. Like David, sometimes, we too feel that God has forgotten about us, and it seems that we have been cut off from the favor of the Lord. How often do we like David experience deep sorrow, anguish of soul, and bitter heartache as the “enemies” of our soul seem to be attacking us from every side?  Considering the world in which we live, I will venture to say, often.  Even so though-–we praise the Lord!  Why? Because we know He understands our times of weeping and brokenness. He had such a time of His own – “And being in anguish, he prayed more earnestly, and his sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground.”(Luke 22:44).

The Lord Jesus Understands – He Had Been There!

So, if anyone can understand what you are going through right now, it’s Jesus. Jesus has been where you are. He has felt what you feel. He has overcome the temptations you are now trying to overcome. And because of His experiences, He understands the emotions, frustrations, and temptations you face in life. He understands your dilemma. He has experienced your problem. He is familiar with disappointment. He knows the temptation to become frustrated. He sympathizes when you get upset. Know that we do not have a High Priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are, yet without sin (Hebrews 4:15).

So, if you are overwhelmed by the events of life, I want you to know that you are in good company! Some of the most choice of God’s servants went through times of deep emotional distress. David– when his beloved Absalom was killed [2 Samuel 18:33]. Job – When he had lost everything from his children, to his possessions, to his health [Job 3]. Elijah – After he was threatened by Jezebel [1 Kings 19]. Moses – When he was overwhelmed with all that he had to do [Numbers 11:11-15]. Yet, they trusted God! I tell you, you must embrace a greater reality that you have a God who is bigger than anything that you will ever encounter. You have to make a decision. You may not feel like trusting Him. It’s a choice, an act of the will! But if you choose to trust Him, then the healing process begins. 

Our Present and Eternal Glory in the Lord!

I want you to know that it was not long before the bitter lament of David turned into a hymn of praise when he remembered the many precious promises of the Lord – for he knew that the sufferings of the present time was not worthy to be compared with the glory that is to be revealed to us in the days to come. The same is no less true today. Indeed the difficulties and dangers that we face in life today should be considered as momentary, light affliction, which are producing for us an eternal weight of glory far beyond what we could ask or think [2 Corinthians 4: 16-18].

You know, Franklin D. Roosevelt was right when he said, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” Why is fear to be feared? Because of the destruction and unrest it brings to our lives. I tell you, we must embrace a greater reality that we have a God who is bigger than anything that we will ever encounter. Hence, I ask you, “Whom shall you fear,” and “of Whom shall you be afraid?”(Psalm 27:1).  “Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid; you believe in God, believe also in me.” [John 14:1]. “For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline. [2 Timothy 1:7).  Brethren, resolve to trust God! “casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you [1 Peter 5:7].

God encouraged the Nation of Israel through the Prophet Isaiah, “Fear not for I am with you. Be not dismayed for I am your God. I will strengthen you. I will help you. I will uphold you with my righteous right hand”[Isaiah 40:31]. And David wrote, “The Lord is my light and my deliverer. Whom then shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life of whom shall I be afraid?” [Psalm 27:1]. When Jonah was in the belly of the great fish, he focused on God and uttered, “When I had lost all hope, I turned my thoughts once more to the Lord”[Jonah 2:7]. The Psalmist said, “I sought the Lord and He heard me and delivered me from all of my fears” [Psalm 34:4]. And Paul inscribed, “If God is for us, who can be against us?” [Rom. 8:31].

God Is Able…!

Cast your cares on God, for He will intervene, meet your needs and bring all things together for your good. It is only a matter of time before circumstances turn around. There is nothing too big or so broken that God cannot renew and restore it. “There has never been a problem that God wasn’t fully able to solve. He has already guaranteed you the victory and success over all. So as you seek Him more and keep Him first in your thoughts, fear will no longer have bondage over you.” So, change your focus from fear to the faithfulness of God. ”For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of Adoption by whom we cry out, ”Abba, Father’’ [Romans 8:15].

Don’t allow fear to dominate your life. Learn to “Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths,” [Proverbs 3:5-6]. Brethren, today, break away from the fear and what’s holding you back. Release the weight of it. This is your time; it’s your day to be set free. Don’t let your imagination run wild, or allow negative images to play like an old movie in your mind. If something happens that causes you to worry, refuse to give in to it. Rather, build your faith by replacing fears by verbally reciting God’s Truths over your life and circumstance(s).

Today, boldly choose to live each day full of hope, joy and peace. Regardless of what you’re up against, God is saying to you today, “Do not be afraid.” “Be strong and courageous.” “Fear not.” “You can trust me.” Let your faith be bigger than your fear. Take a single, courageous step forward into the amazing future of blessings God has in store for you.  Approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that you may receive mercy and find grace to help you in your time of need, in Jesus name!

Some Scriptures For Your Meditation Time:

Matthew 11:28Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

Jeremiah 29:11 – For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.

Psalms 147:3He healeth the broken in heart, and bindeth up their wounds.

Isaiah 54:17 – No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is of me, saith the LORD.

 Psalm 25:16-17Turn to me and be gracious to me, for I am lonely and afflicted. Relieve the troubles of my heart and free me from my anguish.

Psalms 34:17-20The righteous cry, and the LORD heareth, and delivereth them out of all their troubles.

Thank you, Lord Jesus, for giving us empathy and grace in all of our emotional difficulties in order to help us love God, ourselves, and the people around us.

Hallelujah, In Jesus name It is Finish!

Written By: Lou Yeboah

Executive Editor, Dr. Ruth Tanyi

“Wishing You A triumphal Entrance Into 2021! — Happy New Year!”

January 3, 2021

Greetings Friends:

Praise the Lord— Wishing you a triumphal entrance into the year 2021! May God be glorified for keeping us safe through 2020!— We are indeed blessed!— Let us praise the Lord— Hallelujah!  Friend, as you begin this year, know that, God desires for you to allow Him to take you to that next level of prosperity in your soul, relationships, finance, business, marriage, etc.; hence, in this 2021, be steadfast in allowing God’s will/plans to manifest in your life.

Remember, God who started a “good thing/work” in your life will bring it into completion as you allow Him to do so (Philippians 1:6).  Therefore, since all of God’s promises through Christ Jesus are already available to you (2 Corinthians 1:20), your role is to step out in faith and align yourself with the promises, and then trust God with the manifestation.

Friend, God wants you to be prosperous in every area of your life more than you can ever imagine, but He requires that you obey Him, and by faith live your life in accordance to His directives in the Holy Scriptures—as you do so, He will bless you with the desires of your heart this 2021 and beyond, in Jesus name! (Psalm 37:3-4).

Friend, be determined to make 2021 a fruitful year, in Jesus name—Happy 2021!


— Bible Teacher ; Dr Ruth Tanyi Ministries, Inc

“A Miracle in Your Mouth”

September 22, 2020

As you proceed with your day today,  is there anything you are expecting God to bring into manifestation in your life?  Is it healing in your physical body? Is it prosperity in your business? Is it a new job? Or, is it restoration of broken relationships? Whatever it might be, God says, to the extent that your desires are within the confines of His Word (1 John 5:14-15), the answer is YES and Amen through Christ (2 Corinthians 1:20).

But remember this Scriptural Truth: … faith is dead without good works ( James 2:26, NLT). Hence, in accordance with God’s Word, just praying and expecting a manifestation from God is STEP  ONE—God wants you to also act in accordance to His Word.  Since life and death can be released from your mouth (Proverbs 18:21), how about your start, today, by speaking faith-filled words into your circumstance(s).

Using healing as an example, if you genuinely believe that the Lord Jesus has already healed you from All sicknesses and diseases on Calvary’s Cross over 2000 years ago, how about acting on that Truth by speaking faith-filled words to your physical body, telling whatever symptoms you are currently experiencing to leave your body in Jesus name? As another example, how about prophesying into your business, by speaking the absolute Truth that God has already preordained your business to succeed (Deuteronomy 8:18), etc, etc.

Friend, just as the prophet Ezekiel spoke life to the “dry bones” (Ezekiel 37:1-14), likewise, there is a miracle waiting to happen as you use your mouth to speak life into your [“dry bones”; implying difficult, challenging, lifeless circumstance(s)]. Do not tolerate “barrenness” in your life.  God says release life and enjoy (John 10:10). So come in agreement with God and stand on His  promises, taking the necessary actions  and trusting Him.  Since God has proven Himself as 100% faithful,  in His perfecting timing, you will enjoy the manifestation of your heart’s desire, in Jesus name.

May God’s presence guide and direct you daily, in Jesus name!


— Bible Teacher ; Dr Ruth Tanyi Ministries, Inc

“Godly Confidence!”

July 5th, 2020

Greetings Friends:

Under the leadership of Moses, the Lord God supernaturally delivered the Israelites from the Egyptian bondage (See Exodus chapters 12-14); and of course, with much joy, reverential awe, they expressed their thankfulness and placed their trust in Him (See Exodus Chapter 15). Then through the leading of the Holy Spirit, the Israelites started their journey through the Wilderness, heading into the Promised Land (Modern day Israel).

But unfortunately, as they traveled through the Wilderness, the Israelites’ became quickly impatient with God, disregarded His power and presence and started complaining and desiring to return to Egypt, even though God was supernaturally providing their daily needs. Their complaining and wailing continued as they demanded for specific food (i.e., Meat), and despised the supernatural Manna God provided.  In frustration, Moses, looking at the physical circumstance, asked God where the food to feed the thousands of Israelites would come from? (See Numbers 11:1-22). And “The Lord answered Moses,

“Is the Lord’s arm too short? Now you will see whether or not what I say will come true for you”( Numbers 11:23).

Because All Scripture is inspired by God for our learning and correction (2 Timothy 3:16-17), there are Timeless Lessons we can learn from the Israelites’ mistake (1 Corinthians 10:1-10). For Example:

  1. Instead of wailing and complaining, let us learn to be patient and Trust God’s Supernatural abilities (Ephesians 3:20-21);
  2. Instead of craving for our own specific Carnal desires, let us learn to be content with God’s blessings in our lives; He knows best what we need;
  3. Instead of ignoring God’s power and presence in our lives, let us learn to appreciate and acknowledge Him daily, even when we don’t feel like doing so; for we live by faith and not by how we feel (2 Corinthians 5:7);
  4. Instead of focusing/dwelling on our physical circumstances/problems, let us choose to accept that God is always behind the scenes [in the Spiritual Realm] fighting our battles for us —Don’t Doubt This!
  5. Remember — complaining Does Not Impress God — He is impressed by our genuine faith in trusting Him.

Friends, as you begin this New Month and new chapter in your life, embrace a Godly confidence —  Know that no matter what you are experiencing today: Sickness in your body; Financial Hardship, Loneliness; Anxiety; Fear; Sadness, etc, God is asking you the same question He asked the Israelites — “Is the Lord’s arm too short? — He says! Trust Me with your problems!!

We should Not  resort to wailing, depression, fear and complaining like the Israelites did!  So today, choose to make God your  refuge and your strength, for He is an ever present God, readily available to help you! (Psalm 46:1).

In the name of Jesus, trust the power of the Holy Spirit and call upon God, right now, He will say, ” Yes and Amen!( 2 Corinthians 1:20)! Enjoy today!


— Bible Teacher ; Dr Ruth Tanyi Ministries, Inc

“The Priceless Gift – Forgiveness”

June 30th, 2020

Greetings Friends:

With so much happening in our Nation and worldwide, many individuals are angry and as such, are harboring feelings of unforgiveness towards God,  themselves, others, society, the government, etc.  How about beginning the healing process within our hearts by offering to ourselves and others the Priceless Gift of Forgiveness.  Forgiveness is a Priceless Gift that we, as Christians, have received from God, and as such, we are to give [It] back to others.  No wonder God commands us to forgive others, just as He has forgiven us (Ephesians 4:32).

On the other hand, unforgiveness is the Root Cause of All sorts of diseases such as Depression, Anxiety, Headaches, Fear, Pain Disorders, etc, leading millions of people to visit their doctors daily. But it ought Not To Be this way for the Christian who has experienced the Priceless Gift of God’s forgiveness through Christ Jesus.

The Bible admonishes us to quickly forgive one another for many reasons.  Below are just three of those reasons: You should forgive others because:

  1. God forgave you First through the perfect, precious and Sinless blood of Jesus Christ;
  2. God loves you unconditionally and He desires for you to prosper in every area of life (3 John 2), but unforgiveness will Negatively affect your relationship with God and become a barrier to your prosperity;
  3. Unforgiveness is the leading cause of many emotional and physical acute and chronic diseases, etc;

But, as a true Christian, you can change all of that today by simply blessing others with the Priceless Gift of forgiveness.  Below are 5 Simple Steps that will help you to “walk” in forgiveness and reconcile with God:

  1. Firstly, ask God to forgive you for your unforgiveness towards Him and others, because all unforgiveness towards others is Sin against God;
  2. Secondly, ask God to help you to forgive others; you cannot do it on your own effort/power. Only the power of God through His Holy Spirit will enable you to genuinely forgive others. So humble yourself and ask God to help you;
  3. Thirdly, forgiving others is a choice that you have to make. Thus, by faith, regardless of how you feel, and whether or not the other person ask for forgiveness, obey God and simply forgive others, period!!  Once you step out in faith and forgive others, you will start experiencing Godly emotions of peace, joy, contentment, etc;
  4. Fourthly, Do Not wait to “feel like” forgiving someone before you step out in faith to forgive. For we walk and live our Christian  life by faith, and not by how we feel (2 Corinthians 5:7).  Once you trust God with the process of forgiveness, He will begin to heal your soul, slowly but surely;
  5. Fifthly, forgiveness Does Not mean that you “become friends” again with the person who has hurt you —Since trust has been broken, it will require sometime for the relationship to be restored.  God “does not require” that you become friends, “right away”  with the person who has hurt you!  Rather, God says that you should forgive, period, just as Christ Jesus has forgiven you (Colossians 3:13), and then you trust Him with the process of healing.

In conclusion, forgiving others is about You and Your relationship with God, and not about the  person who has hurt you!  So you obey, trust God and be healed, in Jesus name.

I pray for God to heal your soul today, as you forgive others!


Dr Ruth Tanyi; Bible Teacher; Dr Ruth Tanyi Ministries, Inc


Click Link below for in-depth teaching on how to walk in forgiveness and be healed!


— Bible Teacher ; Dr Ruth Tanyi Ministries, Inc

“A New Thing”

May 26, 2020

Greetings Friends:

During the Old Testament era, The Nation of Israel repeatedly disobeyed God and sinned against Him; but in His mercy and love, God repeatedly forgave them, just as He continues to forgive us today. With His forgiveness, He started to do “A New Thing” in their lives (i.e., the process of restoration started).  Likewise, in the same way God started to do “A New Thing” in the Nation of Israel and their individual lives, He is doing ” A New Thing”  in our respective Nations and lives today, right this moment, moving forward —hallelujah!

God wants us to forget the past and move forward with great expectations of restoration and healing in every realm of life. Here is how He puts it in Isaiah 43:18-19:

“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past.  See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?…”

God wants us to forget the past and step into a prosperous future with Him…Do you perceive that? Do you receive this in your heart? Because in order to see the manifestation of this ” New Thing” , you have to first receive it in your heart!

Regardless of how difficult  the last few weeks, months, or even years have been,  God says— “Forget the former (i.e., your previous difficulties/challenges, etc)! He continues — “Be strong and courageous… for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you” (Deuteronomy 31:6).

Brethren, as you step into this new day and week, is there anything “slowing you down”? Is it financial hardships? Health challenges? Emotional maladies, etc? —Regardless of your past and/or current challenges, God says —  Trust Me…”I am doing a New Thing! …Do You Not Perceive It?…”

Friend, God is ready, but are you willing to let Him do this “New Thing in Your Life? He has great plans for you (Jeremiah 29:11)! So allow Him to take you to that next level of greatness, restoration and prosperity in your health, relationships, emotions, finances, etc.

In Jesus name, start receiving His restoration today through the power of the Holy Spirit! God is with you!


— Bible Teacher ; Dr Ruth Tanyi Ministries, Inc

Are You Laughing Enough?

May 20, 2020

Greetings Friends:

The Bible teaches us that laugher is good medicine for our souls (Proverbs 17:22). Do you put this simple Truth in practice in your life daily? If not, you are missing out on some of the natural medicines that God endowed your body to produce when you laugh.  As an example, medical research shows that when we laugh often, our bodies will produce and release:

  1. Endorphins, which are natural pain killers;
  2. Natural Killer cells, which will enhance your overall immune system and enable you to prevent and fight infections efficiently;
  3. Numerous other chemicals and antibodies, which will buffer and/or reduce stress hormones;
  4. More oxygen, which will circulate into various major organs of the body such as the lungs, heart, etc.

What It All Means to You!!

God is Always Right! When God tells us to laugh often,  regardless of our circumstances, it is because as The Creator of our bodies, He knows it is best for our minds, bodies, and spirits. Hence, with such numerous benefits of laughter, are you laughing enough? If not, why not? — how about practicing laughter as a lifestyle…..

Practical Application

  1. Consider laughing for just about 5 to 10 minutes daily— that is all it takes for your body to start releasing the various hormones and chemicals that will improve your overall well-being;
  2. By obeying God and practicing the art of laughing regularly, you will be honoring God by caring for your physical body, which is His temple (1 Corinthians 6:19-20).

Stay blessed in the Lord!


— Bible Teacher ; Dr Ruth Tanyi Ministries, Inc

You Are Highly Blessed and Favored

May 10th, 2020: Mother’s Day


God loves you today, everyday, and forevermore! You are blessed and highly favored!

Mothers, below are just a few reasons why you are the “Apple of God’s Eye”

  1. You are a beloved, special child of God because of your relationship with the Lord Jesus;
  2. Because of Christ Jesus, God  has elevated you, Mothers (along with all other women who are not Mothers), as co-equal with Men, in His Kingdom.  Oh Yes indeed, God has a special place for women in His Kingdom.  Remember, upon His resurrection, the Lord Jesus chose to first appear to a woman!  And this woman was also the first person whom the ” Risen Christ” assigned the task of preaching and proclaiming the Gospel Message (John 20:11-18) — Halleluiah!
  3. Mothers  —  You are the “Rock” that holds the family unit together  —  your special attentiveness to the spiritual, physical, and emotional needs of your children, husbands, and others, is a unique gift that only you, the Mother, is blessed with; and then,
  4. You have been blessed and privileged to be called by God to bring forth His children into this world, and to teach/train  them in His ways (i.e., using the Word of God).

Mothers, You are Indeed Special!

In the name of Jesus,  I pray for God’s power to be upon you daily, as you continue to raise Godly children.  And I trust that God, in His love and faithfulness, will continue to shape and mold your children into the men and women  He has called them to be. While it may seem difficult at time,  Mothers, be steadfast in trusting God with your children (Proverbs 22:6) —  God is for you!  And remember, He loves your child way more than you do, so trust Him, in Jesus Name, Amen!

A Blessed and fulfilled Mother’s Day to You!


— Bible Teacher ; Dr Ruth Tanyi Ministries, Inc

Your “Yokes”

May 1st, 2020

Today, the Lord Jesus is saying — “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light” (Matthew 11:28-30, NLT).

In the physical realm, during the ancient Jewish agriculture, a “Yoke” was a heavy object  placed on the shoulders of an animal, such as an Oxen, which helped the Oxen to pull heavy farming equipment. But in the context of Matthew 11:28-30, the Lord Jesus was/is teaching about “Spiritual Yokes” — All of the heavy spiritual and emotional burdens “weighing” people down today.

Therefore, in this New Day and New Month, let us take all of our “Yokes” to the Prince of Peace — Jesus Christ —  our Jehovah Shalom!

So Then:

  1. Are you worried about your finances? Trust God with that “Yoke”!
  2. Are you worried about Not having a Job? God is already taking care of  that “Yoke”;
  3. Are you fearful about an uncertain future? God says bring that “Yoke” to me! My love protects you (1 John 4:18), and I have great plans for your future (Jeremiah 29: 11);
  4. Are you concerned about getting sick? God says: Fear Not! I am your Healer (Exodus 15:26;Isaiah 53:3-5 );
  5. Whatever your yokes maybe today, God has already provided the answer —“Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest”.

Friend, as you trust God with your “Yokes”, meditate on this promise from our loving and faithful God:  ” Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand (Isaiah 41:10, NLT).

In the name of Jesus, enjoy today’s blessings! All things always work out for the child of God! (Romans 8:28).


— Bible Teacher ; Dr Ruth Tanyi Ministries, Inc

“Receive His Peace”

April 23rd, 2020

If you have believed in the Lord Jesus Christ and have confessed with your mouth that God raised Him from the dead on the third day, then you are a true Christian, which means you have Peace with God because of your relationship with Jesus.   But do you have The Peace of God? There is a difference!

Today, we live in a chaotic world, and things are falling apart —we have the highest rate of divorce, depression, anxiety, fear, worry, on and on it goes.  All of these imply that people are not experiencing The Peace of God in their lives, either because they are not in a relationship with God through Christ, and/or, if they have a relationship with God through Christ, they are not receiving or experiencing the peace God wants them to enjoy. Hence, they are searching for peace in all the wrong places, such as in relationships, money, sex, careers, status, expensive homes, and all sorts of various external  things.

Unfortunately, these external physical things can only bring momentary happiness, and  not true peace. Happiness is solely dependent on the circumstances surrounding your life.  And we all know that circumstances change frequently.   So if you are trying to derive  your peace from these external things, your so called “peace” would therefore fluctuate as your circumstance change:—That is Not True Peace, at all!

So What is True Peace?

  1. Peace is a person: Jesus Christ. Jesus said in John 14:27:  “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid”. God’s kind of peace engenders hope!
  2. God’s kind of peace is not based on circumstances or what is happening to you because God is consistent and stable, and is the same yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13:8) — hence you can experience God’s stability and rejoice in the midst of crisis;
  3. The peace of God is the type of peace whereby you go through the storms of life without being tossed back and forth — it is a peace that surpasses your circumstances and all human understanding/reasoning—It is supernatural!;
  4. You cannot buy or earned God’s peace. Rather, you have to learn to receive it by faith, based on His Word and spending time in His presence. God’s kind of peace requires that you consciously and continuously focus on Him— As you focus on the Lord Jesus, His peace will saturate your soul effortlessly (Isaiah 26:3);

Friend, there is only One Way to Receive and Experience The Peace of God —keeping your mind focused on the Author of Peace  — Jesus Christ! And if you do not know the Lord Jesus personally, and you desire to start experiencing His peace, simply ask Him to come into your life right now, and He will do so (Revelation 3:20).
Brethren,  I pray for the peace of God to empower you to look beyond your circumstances and enjoy life. God is with you, always! Enjoy today, in Jesus name!


— Bible Teacher

“He Is Alive in You!”

April 12th, 2020: Easter 2020

Greetings Friends!

Although you may not be celebrating Easter with your  church family, “take heart”, it is ok!  Let it be well with your soul!  Because each of us have a personal relationship with God through Christ, take advantage of this special time alone and allow the Lord’s Resurrection presence and power to come alive in your heart — Rejoice!  For He is indeed Risen!

The Lord Jesus was/is the Word of God that supernaturally came into existence (John 1:1-14) over 2000 years ago, died on Calvary’s Cross because of His unfathomable  love to redeem Mankind from the bondages of Sin, and then was raised from the dead on the third day! (See 1 Corinthians 15: 1-29). That same Living Word (i.e., the Lord Jesus), by faith, is living on the inside of you, today, if you are a genuine Christian —  Viruses,  bacteria, death, poverty, the spirit of fear and all sorts of evil, etc, were defeated on the Cross — be encouraged, you are an Overcomer in Christ —  believe this, and receive God’s love for you, right now!  Additionally, as a Christian, that same supernatural power that raised the Lord Jesus from the dead is available to you by faith, right now, hence —Rejoice! (Ephesians 1:18-21).

Friend, if you do not personally know the Lord Jesus and you desire to do so, you can receive His forgiveness of your sins by simply asking Him to come into your heart, right now, and He will do so (Revelation 3:20)!

In the name of Jesus, enjoy a blessed Easter filled with the Holy Spirit, God’s love, and presence!

A Blessed Easter to You & Your Family!


— Bible Teacher

“God Your Provider!”

April 4th, 2020

As the world continues to experience this current “economic crisis” due to the Coronavirus, unfortunately,  it is leading to an upsurge of anxiety and feelings of uncertainty, as millions of individuals are beginning to wonder about their financial stability and future.  But as children of God, the Lord Jesus teaches that we should not “lose heart” (Matthew 6:25-27), because God is our primary Provider of all things pertaining to life and our existence (Genesis 22:13-14; Psalms 23:1-2), and NOT our employers, governments, friends, or even family members.

And you know what? It was/is God that made it possible for you to obtain that job, business, salary increase, promotion, etc, in the first place (Psalm 75:6-7).  So Do Not— “Lose Heart”; Do Not —Panic; Do Not —Worry, for God is 100% faithful—He Will Not Allow you to go hungry or to beg for food (Psalms 37:25).  And the same God who opened “that door” for you to obtain “that job”, promotion, business client(s), etc, in the first place is the same Yesterday, Today and Forevermore (Hebrews 13:8); and because of His love and concern for you, He will be certain to keep “that door” open, and/or open a newer and/or a better “door” for you!—so be still and trust Him!

Therefore, instead of “panicking” about your current financial situation, God wants us to rely on Him, as He is our Divine Provider (our JEHOVAH JIREH, see Genesis 22:13-14). Much more, God Does Not depend on the economy to bless and/or prosper us.  In fact, He has proven Himself as The Divine Provider in times of great crisis/famine (See Genesis 26:1-6). Additionally, through Christ Jesus, God has already willed it for us to be prosperous in this life (2 Corinthians 8:9).  Friends, better things are coming soon! Because whatever the enemy meant for evil (such as the Coronavirus crisis) God is turning it around for our blessings and His glory (see Genesis 50:20).

So As You stand on God’s Word, Remember This:

  1. Continue giving financially into God’s Work, whatever little you have.  Do Not Stop your giving because of the current crisis, as that would imply fear, Not faith— remember, only faith pleases the Lord (Hebrews 11:6).  Besides, whatever you give to the Lord by faith via sacrificial giving, you will receive it back exceedingly and abundantly (Luke 6:38);
  2. Do Not react to your current financial crisis and start “hoarding” your money!  That will Not please the Lord, as He has clearly  instructed us to live daily based on His Word, and not by circumstances round and about us (2 Corinthians 5:7);
  3. Stand on God’s promises in His Word and be expectant of a “brighter future” and/or a better Job (especially if you’ve lost your job from this evil Coronavirus).  Also, be certain to meditate on God’s promise in Proverbs 6:30-31: “Excuses might be found for a thief who steals because he is starving…But if he is caught, he must pay back seven times what he stole, even if he has to sell everything in his house” NLT).  Coronavirus is a Type of “an evil thief”, which is here to kill, steal and destroy from you — Do Not Allow IT! (John 10:10) — whatever you have lost because of this Virus, God will bless you back—so “Take Heart”!

Friends, in Jesus name, allow the peace of God to comfort you today and always!  Excellent things are in your future!! —be prepared to be blessed and prosper beyond measure!  Again, DO NOT Panic! —Trust God instead —your Divine Provider!!


— Bible Teacher

“Maintaining a Godly Perspective”

March 24th 2020

Greetings Friends:

The Bible teaches that we should be diligent in guarding (i.e.,  protecting) our hearts (the deepest part of our souls), because all issues pertaining to life comes from it ( Proverbs 4:23).  Hence, in this current Coronavirus  situation, applying Godly wisdom is critical in guarding our hearts.

So How Do we Guard/Protect our Hearts?

We do so by limiting the amount and type of information we allow into our minds/souls?  This is essential because it is a biblical principle that faith comes by hearing the Word of God (Romans 10:17); likewise, the opposite is true, meaning, fear, unbelief, doubt, etc, and all sorts of ungodly thoughts  come into our minds/hearts/souls from listening to the negative  reports from the Media and others. Friend, God has made it very clear in His Word, that it is up to us, and Not Him, to use His Word and strengthen our faith in order to  overcome ungodly thoughts such as fear, especially during this critical season, and always!

To this end,  below are some recommendations that will help you to protect your soul/mind, overcome fear, anxiety, doubt, etc, and stand on God’s Word, which is the Only source of life.

Maintaining  a Godly Perspective:

  1. Take a break from watching TV news about Coronavirus. If you must, spend less than 5 minutes to only read/watch the headline News from firsthand credible News sources, such as the White House briefings, CDC briefings, etc.  Avoid reading news information from secondary news sources, as, unfortunately, these are often interpretations, exaggerations, etc, and are often misleading /incorrect.  Then, spend  extra time in studying and meditating on Scriptures such as Psalm 91, Isaiah 41:10, and Romans 8:35-39—doing so will flush out fear and unbelief out of your soul/mind;
  2. Do not give Coronavirus that much power and attention in your life. Thus, do your best to STOP the constant discussion with friends, etc,  about the Virus. Do not attempt to “know it all” about the Virus — God says that’s not wise;  remember His instructions to us in Romans 16:19: “…but I want you to be wise about what is good, and innocent about what is evil”.  Coronavirus  is Evil — so STOP talking about it, and instead,  spend that extra time to talk directly to God through prayer;
  3. Remember —  God is the Only source of true protection, wisdom, cure, life, etc. So no matter how hard we try by using human wisdom and abilities to protect ourselves,  when it is all said and done, only God can protect us 100%.  Thus, while it is relevant to  apply wisdom/common sense and maintain a clean environment (i.e., practicing good hygiene, hand watching, using sanitizers, social distancing, etc) please, keep this in Godly perspective—  Do not allow fear to reign in your hearts! —True protection is from the Lord!  And lastly;
  4. If you are constantly experiencing the ungodly emotions of fear, doubt, anxiety, etc,  then it means One Thing —It is time to slow down and spend more time in God’s presence by studying His Word and gaining a deeper revelation about His love for you! —God Himself tells us this  —”There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love” (1 John 4:18).

In Jesus name: Fear Not, for God is with you, trust Him!


Dr Ruth and Ministry Team

“Fear!  It is Just a Shadow”

March 11th, 2020


Millions of people, Christians and non Christians alike are crippled with the emotion of fear every day. Yet, for the true Christian whose  faith is in Christ Jesus, the emotion of fear is just a “shadow”; it is not a reality.  As a follower of Christ, the emotion of fear is either from your enemy, Satan himself, your environment, or from your futile attempts at focusing on your problems, etc.

Fear is never of God, we must know this!  Nonetheless, there is what is called “Godly fear”, which prevents you from sinning against God, but this type of Godly fear is never debilitating and it will not lead to various diseases.

Unfortunately, pathological fear, which cripples millions of people is the primary cause for all sorts of anxieties, and the reason many people suffer from diseases such as chronic headaches, chest pain, insomnia, body aches, etc.

Pathological fear causes people to make  incorrect decisions such as, but not limited to (1) getting married to the wrong person; (2)  spending money incorrectly; (3)  hanging around the wrong friends (4); choosing the wrong career (5);  making wrong business decisions, etc, etc.  But for the true Christian, you can change all of these by simply learning how to wait on the Lord and trust Him with all of your decisions. The Bible teaches us that we Do Not have the spirit of fear in our “born again” spirits (2 Timothy 1:7).

So if you are being crippled by fear, there is always hope in Christ, because with help from the Holy Spirit, you can live above your fears and overcome.

Below are 5 things you can do today, right now, to start learning how to live above your fears and trust God:

  1. Firstly, acknowledge that the debilitating emotion of fear is never of God;
  2. Secondly, evaluate the source of your fear(s), then stand up in faith, in the name of Jesus, and confront your fears, trusting that God is with you through His Holy Spirit;
  3. Thirdly, remind yourself daily, that you will not live in fear anymore;
  4. Fourthly, learn to trust God and not yourself, it is a process, but you can do it (see Proverbs 3);
  5. Fifthly, know that God has already made provisions for your fears, as He has provided more than enough ammunition for you to use to overcome your fears daily.  As an example, did you know that there are about 365 verses in the Bible from God to you simply stating ” Fear Not”; “Do Not be afraid”, etc, etc, etc  (e.g., Isaiah 41:10; 43:1; Psalm 23; Luke 12: 7; Luke 12:32; Psalm 91, etc, etc, etc).

Keep in mind that for you to overcome your fears, it is essential that you spend time to meditate on God’s Word, which is The Only hope we have.

We have more teachings that will help you to live above your fears and overcome this debilitating emotion, plus much more!

Click the link below for more information

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I pray for the Holy Spirit to strengthen you today to live above you fears, in Jesus name, AMEN


Dr Ruth and Ministry Team

“Do You Desire Wisdom?”

February 15, 2020

Greetings Friends:

“If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you” (James 1:5; NIV).

Do You Desire Wisdom?

Seeking wisdom, unfortunately, is not a poplar desire for some individuals today; yet, the Bible teaches that wisdom is supreme,  meaning, desiring [It] should be of utmost/highest importance in our lives —hence we should wholeheartedly  seek wisdom  and operate in that wisdom daily.  Being that wisdom is supreme; it should be sought after much more than anything else in life, including material possessions (See Proverbs 4 and 8).  You know why?

Firstly, seeking wisdom means you will be seeking the source of wisdom — God Himself. Thus, the initial step in attaining wisdom is to believe in the One and only True Living God (Psalm 14:1). Secondly, seeking wisdom will enable you to accomplish everything else you desire in life (within the confines of God’s Will), and most importantly, you will be able to sustain (i.e., maintain) God’s blessings in your life, effortlessly (Proverbs 10:22).

 What Really Is Wisdom?

Since the word “Wisdom” is not that popular today, some of you may be wondering: What really is wisdom? In its simplistic definition, wisdom is the “Practical Application of Knowledge”.  Because God is the source of ALL True Wisdom, to the Christian therefore, walking in wisdom requires (1) acquiring proper knowledge from God’s Word; and (2) demonstrating the ability to practically apply “that knowledge” in your daily life.

Take note that acquiring knowledge in and of itself does not imply wisdom!  Rather, knowing how to wisely apply “the acquired knowledge” in our lives is, indeed, the utmost evidence of “walking” in Godly wisdom.
While  attaining proper knowledge  from God’s Word is fundamental in walking in wisdom, the Bible teaches that  seeking understanding and learning how to be patient and prudent,  are essential  attributes of wisdom that will enable us to effectively operate fully in Godly wisdom (See Proverbs 4:  1-5; Proverbs 8:1-17).

What This Means to You!

Below are some recommendations from God’s Word, which will help you to “Walk” in wisdom daily:

  1. Firstly, as you struggle to make decisions in your daily dealings, genuinely seek Godly Counsel from God’s Word;
  2. Secondly, if you do not understand what the Bible is teaching/explaining in regards to your unique circumstance, at the very least,  pray and seek Biblical counsel from a mature Christian who has evidence of God’s Word working in his/her life.  Remember —God’s Word is complete, and it has All of the answers to every human problem, either directly through a specific Scripture or through a principle taught in the Bible;
  3. Thirdly, be prudent, and make certain to seek complete understanding about your situation before rushing into any conclusion/decision (Proverbs 4:1-5; Proverbs 8: 12).  This requires that you take some time to listen, and then to meditate/ponder on the “other person’s” explanation (if your issue/circumstance involves others);
  4. Fourthly, exercise patience in seeking the Holy Spirit about your daily dealings, making certain that you have acquired Godly counsel and proper understanding about your circumstance before stepping out in faith and acting on “that” decision.

In Conclusion…

Godly wisdom is pure, impartial, and peaceful (James 3:17), and is completely (100%) different from worldly wisdom which is partial/biased and temporal.  But unfortunately, worldly wisdom seems to be readily available to our senses; therefore, we have to make a deliberate effort to choose Godly wisdom and walk by faith, and not by what “the world” says (2 Corinthians 5:7).

Most importantly, if you are unsure, pray and ask God for wisdom, and He will honor your request, in Jesus name!

Friend, it is God’s will that we “walk” in His wisdom daily, which will yield peace and prosperity in our minds, bodies and spirits.  Thus regardless of how long it takes, make a commitment to “walk” in  Godly counsel  daily, and Do Not depend and/or choose  your own understanding (Proverbs 3:5), and then relax, and observe how God’s blessings, joy, peace and strength will flood your soul, effortlessly.

In Jesus name, continue to walk in His blessings! Amen.

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Dr Ruth and Ministry Team

“It is Finished”

January/February, 2020:  Bible Teaching

Greetings Friends:

                            Jesus knew that his mission was now finished, and to fulfill Scripture he said, “I am thirsty”…   When Jesus had tasted it, he said, “It is finished!” Then he bowed his head and gave up his spirit ( John 19:28-30).

We Are Already Blessed!!

Friend, whatever we need in order to prosper in this life is already available to us because of the finished work of the Lord Jesus on Calvary’s Cross over 2000 years ago. Before His death on the Cross, the Lord Jesus uttered: “It is finished!”.  Just in case you are wondering: what was/is finished?  Obviously, our Salvation, meaning, redeeming the Human Race from that Sinful State/ Nature that each of us inherits at the time of our physical birth into this world because of that transgression committed by our common ancestors: Adam and Eve (See Genesis chapter 3).

But here is the blessed news! — it is a 100% complete Salvation package, including deliverance in the 3 realms of our existence: Mind, Body and Spirit.  This means, as true followers of the Lord Jesus:

  1. Our Salvation is secured (John 10:27-29), and we have been adopted into God’s Kingdom (Ephesians 1:4-5), making us children of God (to the extent that it was a genuine acceptance of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior;
  2. We have been completely Set Free from the hands of the evil one, Satan  Himself (i.e., Satan has no direct access to us, except if we allow him into our lives through disobedience and living in sin);
  3. We have already been  healed of every spiritual, physical, emotional/mental disease that can ever attack our bodies;
  4. We have been blessed to prosper abundantly and exceedingly in every area of life (e.g., in our relationships, finances, health, etc), so that we can become a blessing to others (See Ephesians chapters 1-3; 2 Corinthians 8:9; Galatians 1:4; John 10:10).

We Do Not Need to Beg God

Because of the  finished work on Calvary’s Cross, we do not need to beg God to bless us! — He has already done so; instead, we have to do our parts (see Philippians 2:12) and learn how to trust God’s promises, receive them in our hearts [with a “child-like faith”] and “live them out” (i.e., practice them) daily by faith  (2 Corinthians 5:7), while depending on the Holy Spirit to lead and guide us moment-by-moment. Hence, as you have already started your journey this 2020, are you sensing the presence of God’s abundant prosperity and blessings in your life thus far?

With such a plethora of biblical Truths about our available prosperity in Christ, are you really experiencing the blessings thus far this 2020? Or, are you still begging God and waiting for Him to bless you? In fact, a lot of times, God is actually waiting on us to act in faith and trust Him!  Therefore, consider making it your goal this 2020 to draw deeper into your relationship with God, so as to thrive and prosper in every area of your life — this is God’s will for you!

Nonetheless, as much as God takes delight in the overall well-being and prosperity of His children, and He has already willed it for us to be exceedingly fruitful in every area of life (Psalm 35:27; John 15:1- 8; John 10:10); unfortunately, God’s will/desire for our individual lives does not automatically come to pass. This is because we have a role to play (Free Will) in the matter— believing God’s Word; obeying Him; and practicing His decrees (i.e., becoming a Doer of His Word).  This brings me to the very relevant aspect of our Christian pilgrimage —  Obeying and practicing God’s Word.

The Bible teaches that only the “Doers” of God’s Word receive His blessings (James 1:22-25; Luke 6:46-49), which implies that while studying God’s Word is a good start, abiding (i.e., being steadfast in practicing God’s Word), is the key ingredient in accessing and receiving God’s manifold blessings and prosperity in every area of life.

The Lord Jesus puts it this way in John 15:7-8:

“If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.  This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples”

As you can clearly see in the above passage of Scripture, “abiding in Christ and His Words” are prerequisites for a fruitful and prosperous life.  As another example, in Luke 6: 46-49, the Lord Jesus explains how practicing His Words (i.e., God’s decrees in the Bible), is the best, and in fact, the primary “weapon” we have to employ in order to overcome the “storms” in this life, thereby attaining and enjoying stability and prosperity in this unbelieving world.

The Lord Jesus never said that “things were going to be easy” as Christians; in fact, He taught just the opposite: that as His true followers, we will definitely encounter hardships, trials and several “storms” in this life (John 16:33). But, Hallelujah!The Lord has promised us that we will overcome through Him — the choice is ours, as we choose to practice His Words through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Therefore, since practicing God’s Word is the prerequisite in prospering in our minds, bodies, and spirits, it goes without saying that becoming an effective “Doer” of God’s Word will position you to excel and thrive in all of your endeavors  this 2020 and beyond!

God is good!  And it pleases Him when we are prosperous (3 John 3:2).  Believe it or not, you do not have to chase after God’s manifold blessings—these are already available to you, and God is waiting for you to start receiving and enjoying the blessings daily. Friend, you do not have to beg God to bless you! He desires for you to trust Him as a good, good, and good Father!  Amazingly, allowing God’s blessings to chase you is not as difficult as some of you may think.  Therefore, to help you with your daily endeavors, below are 5 simple and straight forward recommendations  right from the Bible that will enable God’s blessings to chase you this 2020 and beyond.

Allowing God’s Prosperity to Chase You this 2020 & Beyond

5 Practical Recommendations:

  • Firstly: If you have not already done so, right now, accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior by genuinely asking Him to come into your heart, and He will accept. Next, accept God’s Word at face value that He has already blessed you! STOP begging God to bless you, and start learning how to renew your mind (i.e., changing your thinking processes to be in alignment with God’s Word), and be determined to come in agreement with God’s Word 100%.  If you do not agree with God’s Word, it will be difficult for you to receive anything from Him (Amos 3:3).
  • Secondly: Choose to surrender yourself daily to God as a Living Sacrifice (i.e., allowing the Lord Jesus to become the Lord of your life, making certain that every decision you make pleases Him; learning to quickly obey the daily leading/guidance of the Holy Spirit).
  • Thirdly: Decide to Practice! Practice! And Practice God’s Word wholeheartedly, while asking the Holy Spirit to strengthen you moment by moment. Step out in faith and act on “that goal”, whatever it may be (to the extent that your thoughts and actions are consistent with God’s Word), and completely trust the Holy Spirit’s perfect wisdom, direction, and love to see you succeed.
  • Fourthly: Do not lean on your own understanding and wisdom (Proverbs 3:5), that would be grossly unwise and would lead you astray.   In other words, do not make decisions based on what you readily see, feel, and/or hear — things do not always appear like they seem on the surface.  Always! Always! And always choose God’s ways of doing things regardless of how you feel. You will be always right with God, 100% of the time, because God is perfectly faithful!
    Remember that the Bible has the answer(s) to every issue you are dealing with today, so believe this! Decide to invest some time to search the Scriptures for God’s answers to your problem(s), versus wasting your time/energy focusing on the problem(s). Do not give your problem(s) that kind of power and attention by chronically meditating on them, rather choose to focus on Godly solutions. God already knows all about your problem(s) — so seek His wisdom on how to overcome them and STOP talking about the problems!
  • Fifthly: Learn to be patient, and trust God’s timing. It is through faith and perseverance (i.e., patience) that we inherit God’s promises, blessings, and overall prosperity in every area of life (Hebrews 6:12). And keep in mind that God’s kingdom works through a process of Seed, Time, and Harvest (Mark 4:26-29).

Simply put: (1) as you are standing by God’s Word (i.e., the SEED); (2) be certain to exercise patience in the process while trusting the Holy Spirit to strengthen you  (i.e., the TIME element, which implies faith in God’s Word); and (3) in God’s perfect timing, the manifestation of whatever you are believing God for (to the extent that your desires are consistent with God’s Word/will) will be evident (i.e., the HARVEST). Our relationship with God is a journey which requires endurance. But the great news is that, as  true Christians, we have the Holy Spirit to enable us to endure the race — all we have to do is to ask (Matthew 7:7-8).

Friend, as you proceed with your journey with God this  2020, make it your ultimate goal to, most importantly, prosper in your relationship with the Triune God, and then you will be well positioned to begin to effortlessly experience prosperity in every area in your life, such as in your health, finances, marriage, career, business, other relationships, plus MUCH MORE—this is God’s will for you!

With such indescribable blessings we already have through Christ, all we can say is thank you! And thank you!— to our awesome Father, Whose love and grace we cannot fully comprehend. So rejoice today and be thankful.  And as you are “walking” in His blessings, step out in faith and start sharing the blessings and prosperity with others, in Jesus name, Amen!

Additional Teachings on this Topic can be found in our Bible Teaching Resource for January/February 2020

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For a Ministry Donation of $30 or More, we will send you,  Dr Ruth’s  3 1/2 hours (3-Part) Brand New Audio CD teaching: The True Christian Bible – Becoming an Effective Doer of God’s Word

The True Christian Bible – Becoming an Effective Doer of God’s Word

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Dr Ruth and Ministry Team

How Faithful  Is Our God!

Greetings Friends:

As we celebrate  Christmas 2019, let us  wholeheartedly be thankful to our faithful  God, Whose promises  Never fail.  For example, right after the Fall of Mankind from grace, He promised  that the Messiah would “crush the head” of the evil one, Satan himself  (See Genesis 3:15).  Again through the Prophet Isaiah, our faithful God’s promises about the Messiah were again revealed to us (see Isaiah 9:6-7).  Then at the perfect time, those promises manifested as God Himself became “flesh” in the person of Jesus Christ!  Hallelujah!!.  The Bible teaches:

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.  He was with God in the beginning… The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth (John 1:1-14).

God Never Fails!!  We are blessed to be celebrating the incarnate birth of God Himself in the “flesh”. Hence,  as you celebrate this precious gift from God to Mankind, DO Not forget how much God loves you! Love so profound we can never comprehend it! It is because of such unfathomable love that God became a mere human being like one of us, and later died on Calvary’s Cross for our sins. God loves you, and  if you have never received God’s gift of forgiveness, you can do so right now by simply asking the Lord Jesus to come into your heart , and He will accept you, right now!

We are indeed blessed!

As you celebrate Christmas by giving gifts to others, please  consider blessing our Ministry as well. If our Ministry has been a blessing to you one way or the other in 2019, prayerfully consider donating to Dr Ruth Tanyi Ministries, so as to help our mission to advance God’s work through our Bible teachings,  events and outreach. Click here to donate:

We here at Dr Ruth Tanyi Ministries pray that the love of Christ will reign  in your heart  today and forevermore,  in Jesus name! AMEN!

Merry Christmas!


Dr Ruth and Ministry Team

A Lot To Be Thankful For…

Greetings Friends:

We here at Dr Ruth Tanyi Ministries pray that your thanksgiving day will be blessed with the joy of the Lord.  And as you celebrate thanksgiving 2019, remember that no matter how your day begins and ends, you are blessed in Christ; thus, you have a lot to be thankful for. Below is just a few of such blessings:

  • You have a personal relationship with the Only True God of the heavens and the earth, The God of the true Christian Bible who knows your name, and the number of hairs in your head (Luke 12:7). How awesome!
  • The Lord Jesus is your personal Lord, Savior and friend, who will never leave or forsake you (Hebrews 13:5). How amazing!
  • The Holy Spirit indwells you (Ephesians 1:13)—strengthening and leading you daily in your journey on the earth. How fantastic!
  • God has given you His Holy Scripture, The Bible, which has revealed the true nature of the Triune God to you, and has provided the blueprint for your daily living — as you obey and practice its teachings ( 2 Timothy 3:16-17). How incredible!

Indeed, you have it All!

Hence, no matter what thanksgiving day brings, you are blessed in Christ! Therefore, remember that thanksgiving is Always About the Lord Jesus — what He has done for you.  So as you celebrate thanksgiving 2019, allow the joy of the Lord to reign in your hearts!

Enjoy your blessings this thanksgiving 2019, in Jesus name.


Dr Ruth and Ministry Team

The Priceless Gift – Forgiveness

Greetings Friends!

Often times people  ignore and/or forget that forgiveness is a priceless gift that we, as Christians, have received from God, and as such, we are to give [it] back to others.  No wonder God commands us to forgive others, just like He has forgiven us (Ephesians 4:32).

On the other hand, unforgiveness is the root cause of all sorts of diseases, such as depression, anxiety, headaches, fear, pain disorders, etc, leading millions of people to visit their doctors daily. But it ought not to be this way for the Christian who has experienced the priceless gift of God’s forgiveness through Christ Jesus.

The Bible admonishes us to quickly forgive one another for many reasons.  Here are just three of those reasons:  You should forgive others because (1)  God forgave you first through the perfect, precious and sinless blood of Jesus Christ; (2) God loves you unconditionally and He desires to answer your prayers, but unforgiveness will prevent your  prayers from being answered;  (3) Unforgiveness is the leading cause of many emotional and physical acute and chronic diseases,  etc,  etc.  But, as a true Christian, you can change all of that today, by simply blessing others with the priceless gift of forgiveness.

Below are 5 steps that will help you to “walk” in forgiveness and reconcile with God:

  1. Firstly, ask God to forgive you for your unforgiveness towards Him and others, because all unforgiveness towards others is a sin against God;
  2. Secondly, ask God to help you to forgive others;  you  cannot do it on your own effort/power. Only the power of God through His Holy Spirit will enable you to genuinely forgive others. So humble yourself and ask God to help you;
  3. Thirdly, forgiving others is a choice that you have to make. Thus, by faith, regardless of how you feel, and whether or not the other person ask for forgiveness, you obey God and simply forgive others, period!  Once you step out by faith and forgive others, you will start experiencing Godly emotions of peace, joy, contentment, etc;
  4. Fourthly, do not wait to “feel like” forgiving someone before you step out in faith to forgive. For we walk and live our Christian  life by faith, and not by how we feel (2 Corinthians 5:7).  Once you trust God with the process of forgiveness, He will begin to heal your soul, slowly but surely;
  5. Fifthly, forgiveness does not mean that you “become friends” again with the person who has hurt you. Since trust has been broken, it will require sometime for the relationship to be restored. God “does not require” that you become friends, “right away”  with the person who has hurt you!  Rather, God says that you should forgive, period, just like Christ Jesus has forgiven you (Colossians 3:13), and then you trust Him with the process of healing.

In conclusion, forgiving others is about you and your relationship with God, and not about the  person who has hurt you!  So you obey,  trust God and be healed, in Jesus name!


Dr Ruth

Each Day Is a Gift!

Greetings Friends!

As the Bible teaches us, let us make a willful decision to celebrate each day and be grateful, as we prepare to enter into the last week of 2019! Each day is a gift from the Lord (Psalm 118:24)! As we approach each day with joy and thankfulness, let us remember to pause and evaluate, in order to be certain that our goals /visions for 2019 are consistent with God’s vision for our lives.

We want to be certain that our efforts, whether at work, in our business dealings, relationships, child rearing, careers, etc, are producing eternal fruits that will glorify God. At the end of the day as Christians, we are God’s workmanship (i.e., His handiwork), created in Christ Jesus for good works that will glorify Him (Ephesians 2:10). With this biblical Truth, why not make 2019 the year for your efforts to produce more Godly fruits (i.e., results).

In case you are wondering, there is Only One way that your efforts in 2019 can produce Godly fruits. Here is how the Lord Jesus explains it in John 15:1-5:

“I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful. …. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me. “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing…

Using the analogy of a vine and its branches, here are 3 major lessons we can learn from the Lord as we evaluate our visions in 2019, if we desire Godly results.

  1. Firstly, it is God’s will that we, His children, succeed in our efforts this 2019, and always, that way, He can be glorified!
  2. Secondly, in order to observe any kind of Godly, joyful and lasting results in whatever we do in 2019, Christ Jesus says we must abide in Him (meaning, to remain focused, attentive, sensitive and submissive to Him), as He is the only/ primary source of wisdom, power and strength in everything we do as Christians.
  3. Thirdly, before we embark in any kind of endeavors this 2019, such as a business deal, beginning a new relationship, or any other decision, God wants us to first seek His wisdom through His revealed Word, and present our request to Him in prayer. And as the Lord Jesus clearly explains, as we abide in Him and apply His teachings in our lives, we can boldly present our requests to God the Father , and He will be glad to “give it to us” ( to the extent that it is within the confines of His Word), because it glorifies Him when we are blessed!

So as you engage the year 2019 through your business dealings, relationships, careers, or whatever you do, make an effort to always remember that as a child of God, you are His co-worker, called to do “good works” with eternal results. When it is all “said and done”, only your “Godly works” will transition into eternity with you, and nothing else!

So approach 2019 with much confidence that God wants you to be successful in every area of life! Remain focused on the “Vine” (i.e., Jesus Christ), seek guidance from the Holy Spirit, and make Godly decisions, then your efforts will yield abundant fruits into eternity, in Jesus name, Amen!


Dr Ruth

Fear! It is Just a Shadow

Greetings Friends

Millions of people, Christians and non Christians alike are crippled with the emotion of fear every day. Yet, for the true Christian whose faith is in Christ Jesus, the emotion of fear is just a “shadow”; it is not a reality. As a follower of Christ, the emotion of fear is either from your enemy, Satan himself, your environment, or from your futile attempts at focusing on your problems, etc.
Fear is never of God, we must know this! Nonetheless, there is what is called “Godly fear”, which prevents you from sinning against God, but this type of Godly fear is never debilitating and it will not lead to various diseases.

Unfortunately, pathological fear, which cripples millions of people is the primary cause for all sorts of anxieties, and the reason many people suffer from diseases such as chronic headaches, chest pain, insomnia, body aches, etc.
Pathological fear causes people to make incorrect decisions such as, but not limited to (1) getting married to the wrong person; (2) spending money incorrectly; (3) hanging around the wrong friends (4); choosing the wrong career (5); making wrong business decisions, etc, etc. But for the true Christian, you can change all of these by simply learning how to wait on the Lord and trust Him with all of your decisions. The Bible teaches us that we do not have the spirit of fear in our “born again” spirits (2 Timothy 1:7).

So, if you are being crippled by fear, there is always hope in Christ, because with help from the Holy Spirit, you can live above your fears and overcome.

Below are 5 things you can do today, right now, to start learning how to live above your fears and trust God:

  1. Firstly, acknowledge that the debilitating emotion of fear is never of God;
  2. Secondly, evaluate the source of your fear(s), then stand up in faith, in the name of Jesus, and confront your fears, trusting that God is with you through His Holy Spirit;
  3. Thirdly, remind yourself daily, that you will not live in fear anymore;
  4. Fourthly, learn to trust God and not yourself, it is a process, but you can do it (see Proverbs 3);
  5. Fifthly, know that God has already made provisions for your fears, as He has provided more than enough ammunition for you to use to overcome your fears daily. As an example, did you know that there are about 365 verses in the Bible from God to you simply stating ” Fear Not”; “Do Not be afraid”, etc, etc, etc (e.g., Isaiah 41:10; 43:1; Psalm 23; Luke 12: 7; Luke 12:32; Psalm 91, etc, etc, etc).

Keep in mind that for you to overcome your fears, it is essential that you spend time to meditate on God’s Word, which is The Only hope we have.

We have more teachings that will help you to live above your fears and overcome this debilitating emotion, plus much more!


Dr Ruth

Daily Practical Wisdom From God

Greetings Friends!

Proverbs 23:4-5

“Do not wear yourself out to get rich; do not trust your own cleverness. Cast but a glance at riches, and they are gone, for they will surely sprout wings and fly off to the sky like an eagle”

Greeting Friends:

Many people have lost sight of God’s primary reasons for work (i.e., to have a regular job). These reasons include, but are not limited to:

  1. Financially support His work here on the earth (Deuteronomy 8:18)
  2. Support our families financially (1 Timothy 5:8)
  3. Avoid laziness (Proverbs 21:25)
  4. Avoid poverty (Proverbs 24:30-34). And God is very clear that we should not support laziness (2 Thessalonians 3:10), etc.

But unfortunately, for some people, work has become their “gods,” as they have allowed their jobs to consume every minute of their lives, causing them to lose sight of the real purpose for working. Many people work endless hours, hoping that someday, they will make enough money to be “comfortable”, but yet, this dream is eluding millions. You know why? Because they simply keep God out of their lives, and are failing to acknowledge that “someday”; in fact, very soon for some people, it will all be over, and only our service and money invested into God’s Kingdom will endure. Isn’t that something?

Very often, individuals spend endless hours working hard, in order to get the “best” house, cars, impress people they do not even like, and to ” keep up with the Joneses”; all along, they are slowly dying on the inside from anxiety, fear, worry, restlessness, insomnia, etc.

  • Most unfortunately, people neglect their health in the process of “making wealth”, but then spend all of their money paying doctors and buying medicines in order to attain good health, yet to no avail. They neglect relationships, and are “too tired” to spend time with God in His Word, yet , when problems arise in their lives, they are quick to blame God. Much worse, people become “workaholics”, and put their entire lives on hold, postponing daily meaningful events such as reaching out to others in love, compassion, etc, because they are “too busy.”

In today’s Practical Wisdom from God, let us heed His advice, and not work ourselves to death. Remember, in God’s view, death is not just dying physically, death also means: fear, worry, anxiety, restlessness, etc, which are all ungodly emotions. Thus, He has told us”… Cast but a glance at riches, and they are gone…” So be wise!

  • Friends, put God first in everything you do, and live for today! Go ahead and contact someone you haven’t talked to in a while; enjoy the moment! At the end of your life, the money you work so hard to attain won’t matter: Only what you invest into God’s Kingdom will endure.
    I pray, in Jesus name, that the Holy Spirit will strengthen you to heed this Godly wisdom, in Jesus name, AMEN!


Dr Ruth

Are You Laughing Enough?

Greetings Friends:

The Bible teaches us that laugher is good medicine for our souls (Proverbs 17:22). Do you put this simple Truth in practice in your life? If not, you are missing out on some of the natural medicines that God endowed your body to produce when you laugh. A plethora of medical research show that when we laugh, our bodies produce hormones such as endorphins, a natural pain killer, which enhances our overall sense of well-being. Laughter also triggers the release of numerous immunities, such as Natural Killer cells, which enhances your overall immune system and enable your body to prevent and fight infections efficiently.

Much more, when you laugh, your body releases numerous other chemicals which buffer or reduce stress and its subsequent deadly effects on your body. In addition, as you laugh, there is more intake of oxygen-rich air going into various major organs of your body such as your lungs, heart, etc.
Practical Application

  • With such numerous benefits of laughter, are you laughing enough? If not, why not? Consider laughing for just about 5 to 10 minutes daily, that is all it takes for your body to start releasing some of these health engendering chemicals that that will improve your overall health and well-being. By doing this, you will be honoring God by taking care of your physical body, which is His temple (1 Corinthians 6:19-20).

Stay blessed in the Lord!


Dr Ruth

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