Spread the Blessing!
“Christmas is About God’s Best Gift To Mankind- Forgiveness”
Christmas is indeed the best time of the year – a time when we, as a Body of Believers in Christ celebrate the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ into this World (see Matthew 1: 18-22; Luke 2: 1-21). Hence, this Season is filled with several emotions such as, but not limited to joy, hope, peace, etc. But by far, the KEY reason why we can celebrate every Christmas is the Absolute Truth that God, in His Love, supernaturally became a Human Being in the person of Jesus Christ (John 1: 1-14) in order to Reveal Himself to us, and to forgive our Sins (See Genesis chapter 3). Thus, Christmas is About God offering Himself to the Human Race – His Forgiveness – Peace – Joy – Hope – Love, and Eternal Life!
The Bible teaches that the Lord Jesus, grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man (Gospel of Luke 2:52). And then, throughout His Ministry –The Lord Jesus demonstrated God’s forgiveness. As an example, The Lord Jesus forgave The:
- Woman caught in adult (see John 7:53–8:11);
- Paralyzed Man (see Mark 2:5-12);
- Thieve on the Cross (see Luke 23:43); and His
- Ultimate forgiveness was displaced on the Cross when He forgave the Sin of the Human Race (1 John 2:2).
God’s On-Going Forgiveness
Friends, Christmas is about God’s Perfect Forgiveness of the Entire Human Race (See Hebrews 10:11-14; 1 John 1:7). Now, ponder on this Truth: Jesus came into the World to Forgive – He died Forgiving – He is still Forgiving today! Isn’t this a profound Truth? Hence, this explains why Christmas is About God’s ongoing forgiveness (1 John 1:9).
Most importantly, God’s Forgiveness of your Sins require a Response! So, have you accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savor? If not, you can simply ask Him to come into your heart right now, and He will (John 3:16; Romans 10:9).
Now that, hopefully, you have received God’s forgiveness of your personal sins, the Bible teaches that you can, likewise, forgive others. Hence, this Christmas – decide to celebrate Jesus by forgiving others – make it a lifestyle!
Below are 5 Major Reasons why the Bible Admonishes us to Forgive Others:
- Forgiveness displays true obedience to God – so decide to quickly forgive others, and make it lifestyle (Matthew 6:14-15; Ephesians 4:32; Colossians 3:13)
- Forgiveness is about placing your Faith in God – God is the avenger (1 Thessalonians 4: 6-9)! This means that you act in faith by taking some sort of action, such as contacting the offender, and telling him/her that you have forgiven them. Do not wait to “feel” like forgiving before doing so. Rather, you act in accordance with God’s Word (2 Corinthians 5:7), and then trust God to heal your emotions.
- Forgiveness is a Process! As you trust God with healing and restoration (Matthew 18: 21-22), you will attain Wholeness.
- Forgiveness is Not about the other person –Rather, it’s about your relationship with God.
- Know that, forgiving others will enhance your Peace, Joy, Overall health, and Quality of Life.
Friend, as you celebrate this Christmas 2023 and move into 2024 – Choose to practice forgiveness, and you will experience improved overall Spiritual, Emotional, Physical and Mental Wholeness!
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Merry Christmas 2023!
Executive Editor, Dr. Ruth Tanyi
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Additional Ministry Resource: Are Your Moving Forward with Jesus – Dr. Ruth Tanyi Ministries (drruthtanyi.org)
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