About Dr. Ruth Tanyi

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So far Dr. Ruth Tanyi has created 12 blog entries.

Do Not Fret: Relax

By |2016-12-18T22:22:50+00:00December 12th, 2016|Devotional|

Thousands of people usually experience a heightened state of anxiety during the holidays, primarily because of all the shopping frenzy that goes on. Are you one of those people? If Yes: Do not fret: Relax. It is just another season. Like all other holiday seasons in the past, this too will come to pass. So [...]

Are You Laughing Enough?

By |2016-12-18T22:25:00+00:00December 11th, 2016|Devotional, Video Devotional|

The Bible teaches us that laugher is good medicine for our souls (Proverbs 17:22). Do you put this simple Truth in practice in your life? If not, you are missing out on some of the natural medicines that God endowed your body to produce when you laugh. A plethora of medical research show that when [...]

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