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What is Spiritual Warfare?
The Bible teaches that Human Beings are Spiritual Beings living in physical bodies. But as Christians, we have been blessed with a new: DNA, meaning, we have inherited a New Nature in Christ, ” in the spiritual realm ” and by faith we accept it (2 Corinthians 5:17). The Bible is clear that this present world is not our home; our final destination is wherever the Lord Jesus is, and we know that He is in Heaven, seated at the right hand of God the Father. Hence, our final destination is heaven, in the presence of the Triune God.
Nonetheless, in the meantime, while in our temporary earthy dwellings, we are bombarded, daily, with trillions of stimuli from our flesh (i.e., our old nature), the environment (i.e., the world or cosmos), and from our biggest enemy, Satan, himself, attempting to dictate to us how to live our lives, contrary to the ways God has revealed to us as outlined in His Word. It is obvious, as Christians, we are in a battle – called Spiritual Warfare!
In its simplest form, Spiritual Warfare means you are essentially fighting forces in the unseen realm, which are just as real! Keep in mind: There are Two realms, the Spiritual and the Physical, and remember, the spiritual is stronger, as it created the physical.
How Does Spiritual Warfare Begin?
Most of the time, spiritual warfare begins as a subtle thought, yet this thought is often contrary to God’s Word, and if you allow it into your Soul, this though can gain a foothold deep into your heart, which can later become a stronghold or a bondage. Often, thoughts lead to a believe system; which then leads to daily habits, and subsequently to a lifestyle. Therefore, we want to be certain we are not allowing ungodly thoughts into our souls (2 Corinthians 10:5).
With regards to this Spiritual warfare that is going on, the great news is that the battle has already been won for us by the Lord Jesus, Who conquered our enemy, Satan, on the Cross! So, our enemy, the old nature, and the environmental stimuli have no direct impact on us; we can only be influenced or affected by these contrary stimuli if we choose to believe them, and then accept them as truth.
How Do We Overcome?
Keep in Mind, We Have Already Won the Battle!
- Know the Truth in God’s Word, it is the Only antidote to the trillion of lies you are bombarded with on a daily basis. As you believe and practice the Truths in God’s Word, you will be set free from the trillion of lies from your flesh, environment and your enemy.
- As you become rooted in Who you are Christ, that alone will be liberating.
- Allow the Peace of God to reign in your soul as you focus on Christ. If it is up to you, be at peace with everyone (Romans 12:18).
- We’re fighting to keep what is already ours (offense, not defense)
- Evaluate your thinking (stop destructive thinking patterns and start thinking about what you are thinking about, in order to be certain your thinking pattern is consistent with God’s Word).
- Evaluate the sources of lies in your life and remove them quickly.
- Lastly, once you recognize you are being attacked, act quickly and refuse ungodly thoughts entrance into your soul (2 Corinthians 10:5; Ephesians 6:11-18.
Remember: God is for you, and not against you (Romans 8:31)! God is fighting your battles, so stay focused and trust Him, in Jesus’ name, Amen!
Dr. Ruth Tanyi
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Additional Ministry Resource: Are Your Moving Forward with Jesus – Dr. Ruth Tanyi Ministries (drruthtanyi.org)
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