Are You Moving Forward with Jesus? How to Excel in Your Identity in Christ
It is God's will for each of His children to Excel in Christ! Overcoming metastatic Colon Cancer has not only taught me how to excel in my identity in Christ, it has also revealed that the key to receiving All of God's promises is primarily based on having an unwavering identity "rooted" in Christ. With this revelation, this "How to Book" will equip you with simple ways to become grounded in your identity in Christ, thus enabling you to excel. Many Christians are still living and approaching life just like the unbelievers do, with much fear, worry, panic, uncertainty, defeat, etc, resulting in wrong decisions and outcomes. But it ought not to be this way for the true Christian who has the promises of abundance through Christ! So, why is it that many Christians are not able to appropriate God's blessings in their lives? Is it because of wrong teaching? Or, is it because they do not know their true identity in Christ, or how to receive from God? In this easy to read and practical book, Dr Ruth, a Bible teacher of over 10 years, offers practical recommendations on how to (1) "walk" in your unshakable identity in Christ; (2) enjoy the abundant life available to you by faith in Christ; (3) overcome and "crush" the lies from the devil in every area of your life! Learn how to:- Develop a vibrant relationship with God through Christ;
- Effectively study the Bible and meditate on the Holy Scripture;
- Harmonize the Testaments and gain a deeper revelation of the True nature of the gracious and loving God of the Bible;
- Pray effectively and be an effective witness for Christ;
- Become confident about the trustworthiness of the Bible; gain a deeper understanding of who the Holy Spirit is; know the basic nature of the True Christian Bible; know your role in the Universal Church; mature as a Christian, PLUS MUCH MORE.
You will, finally, learn how to Receive God's Promises and REST in Christ!
How to Allow Christ Jesus to "Work it Out!” For You! The Bible teaches that we live in a "Fallen World", brought about because of the transgression of Adam and Eve as recorded in Genesis chapter 3. Thus, Christians and Non-Christians alike will continue to experience various trials and calamities. But for the Christian, God has called us to endure calamities in this "dark world" with joy, because in His love and faithfulness, He has already equipped us to overcome! Teaching directly from God's Word and her personal experience from overcoming Metastasis Colon Cancer over 12 years ago, Dr Tanyi expounds on the various ways that God has already equipped His children to endure calamities through Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit. In this book, you will learn that God is not punishing you when you are experiencing various crises. You will learn how to practically apply God's Word on a daily basis and overcome any crisis or attack from the enemy, Satan. You will also learn about the countless benefits available for those who choose to endure with joy! —God's Way. God's Word is the only solution to overcoming the various calamities that may befall us in this life. Thus, the teachings in this book will equip you with timeless principles from God's Word that will enable you to live daily through Christ and excel! As you study this book, you will be encouraged and strengthened with the absolute Truth that, no matter what you experience in this "dark world", through Christ Jesus, you are already victorious!
Can I Trust the Bible as God's Word? How Do I know? What is the Evidence?
Thousands of people often ask? Is the Bible trustworthy? Yes, it is indeed! You can trust the Bible as God's inspired Word to you. In this book, Dr Ruth explains why you can trust the Bible as inspired by God. She evaluates the evidence, and presents it to you in a very simplistic and practical manner, so that you can evaluate it for yourself in light of other religious books. Upon your self-evaluation, you will come to the conclusion, as millions of others have, that only the true Christian Bible has historical, verifiable, documented, and corroborated evidence as inspired by God. After reading this book, your perception of the Bible will definitely change. It will cause you to better love and appreciate the God of the Bible. -
Faith to Receive God's Promises |How to "Walk" in BIBLICAL FAITH and Allow the BLESSINGS OF GOD to Chase You The Bible teaches that without faith it is impossible to please God. So biblical faith is the primary channel by which we can receive All of God's promises available to us by grace, because of our relationship with Jesus Christ. But, unfortunately, many individuals do not have the revelation of what true biblical faith is all about, and/or do not know how to "walk" in biblical faith and receive God's blessings. As Christians, God has left us with only one choice: to "walk" and live by faith in order to experience His countless provisions and blessings in this present life; so how do you do that? This 2 part teaching on biblical faith teaches you (1) what biblical faith is all about; and (2) how to " walk' in biblical faith daily, thus fostering obedience. In Part 1: Dr Ruth teaches you the true meaning of biblical faith, and explains the different types of faith as taught in the Bible. In Part 2: Dr Ruth explains the essential "Laws of Faith" as described in the Bible, and she teaches you how to apply these laws in your life daily, thereby "walking" and living in faith and allowing God's blessings to chase you. The Bible teaches that the just shall live by faith - this teaching will help you to do just that! You will be strengthened and be encouraged to "step out" in faith and trust God in every area of your life.
Healed by the Stripes of Jesus
A True story of how God's Word remains the Only True Medicine for our bodies. Dr Tanyi's testimony of being healed from Metastasis Colon cancer provides the fortitude and hope you need to overcome any disease. This teaching handbook on healing will answer a lot of your questions, such as: Was healing a part of Christ's atonement on the Cross over 2000 years ago? Does God choose those to heal and those not to heal? Why do some people not receive their healing? How can I receive my healing?, etc, etc. You will also learn common barriers that prevent countless individuals from receiving their healing, and how to overcome these barriers and be healed by the Lord! This book will be an "eye opener" for you! Christ Jesus has already healed you! Learn to receive His healing today! Also available on CD and USB. to find out more. -
Overcome Doubt & Receive God's Blessings!
10 Life-Changing Lessons Learned from Overcoming Metastasis Colon Cancer
Coming Soon!
Every Christian struggles with doubt at various degrees because we are finite beings. For most Christians, the doubt is often centered on believing and putting into practice the thousands of promises in God's Word in order to receive His blessings. After many years of struggling with doubts when attacked with metastasis colon cancer and eventually overcoming it, Dr. Ruth is now teaching others the 10 Major Lessons she learnt from God on how to overcome doubtful lies from Satan, thereby teaching them how to receive God's promises. These lessons enabled Dr. Ruth to receive her healing from God! You can be healed too! Available Now in CD! Get Audio CD Teaching Now -
True Christianity
Embracing the Fundamental Truths of the Faith: A Practical Approach to the Christian PilgrimageCOMING SOON!
This, over 400-page book, offers an in-depth teaching on the essential doctrines of true Christianity. It offers an entire section on comparative religions of the world, and provides answers as to why true Christianity is the Only True faith. It also explains why pseudo -Christian cults, such as the Jehovah's Witnesses and the Mormons are not true followers of the Lord Jesus. Other relevant topics pertaining to various practical issues of the Christian pilgrimage, such as prayer, church attendance, witnessing for Christ, walking in the Spirit, in addition to reasons why you can trust the Bible as God's inspired Word, plus much more, are explained in this book. -
Who is the Real Jesus? Answers to 25 of the Toughest Questions About the Real Jesus.
People are really confused because the Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons , Protestants, Catholics and Orthodox all talk about Jesus. So who is the real Jesus? Well, this book gives you the answers to why there is only One Jesus, the Jesus Christ of the true Christian Bible. This Book will settle the answers in your heart, once and for all, about the claims of Jesus Christ. It answers questions such as: Did Jesus really Exist? Was He a Real person? Did He really call Himself God? Is He really the Only way to God? And Why? What happens if I accept to follow Jesus Christ? What happens if I refuse to follow Jesus Christ? Plus much more answers for you!. This book will help you to truly understand and appreciate Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, and as your personal friend who will never leave or forsake you.