• The Book of Genesis (Downloadable MP3)

    An Expository Teaching! Chapter by Chapter, Verse by Verse
    This expository teaching (i.e., chapter by chapter, verse by verse) of the book of Genesis will teach you how "it all began." In this over 16 hours of teaching, Dr Ruth offers an in-depth teaching across the entire book of Genesis, focusing on the major principles and applications from each chapter and verse, explaining their significance to you, today. As you gain a solid understanding of the principles taught in the book of Genesis, you will be well prepared to approach the rest of God's story in the Bible with a richer contextual perspective.
  • The Book of Exodus (Downloadable MP3)

    An Expository Teaching! Chapter by Chapter, Verse by Verse
    How fascinating it is to learn more about God's sovereignty over His creation, and how He delivered the Israelites from the Egyptian bondage. In this teaching, Dr Ruth offers a chapter by chapter, verse by verse explanation of the entire book of Exodus, and teaches you how God is still desiring to shape and mold us today in the image of Christ, just like He desired to do with His chosen people, the Nation of Israel, during the Old Covenant.
  • A 2-Set Audio Teaching

    Spiritual Warfare

    Learn Practical Ways to Overcome the Lies from Satan, Your Past, the Environment, and Be Set Free in Jesus name! PART 1: Know the Method of Operation (M. O.) of Satan Satan has been defeated by the Lord Jesus on Calvary’s Cross, but he is still around, deceiving thousands of Christians and Non-Christians alike. As a true follower of the Lord Jesus who is indwelt by the Holy Spirit, Satan has no direct access to you! He can only deceive you if you allow him to do so; thus, knowing his M.O. is integral in overcoming his lies and deception. In Part 1 of this teaching, you will learn the fundamental M. O. of your enemy, Satan. Knowing how your enemy, Satan, operates is the initial step in preventing him from deceiving you. You will be empowered with biblical truths on how to “stop Satan at his tracks”. PART 2: How to Enforce Your Authority in Christ and Overcome the Lies from Satan As a true Christian, you have direct access to the power and authority in the name of Jesus to overcome any attack from the enemy, Satan. But, do you know how to enforce that authority and expect victory in every area of your life? In Part 2 of this teaching, you will learn how to practically enforce your inherited power and authority in the perfect and precious name of Jesus Christ and “crush” your enemy, Satan before he "steals " from you. The Lord Jesus has already defeated Satan "hands down" on Calvary's Cross, but are you “walking” in that victory, or are you allowing your enemy, Satan, to continue to "steal" from you? In this teaching, you will be edified and encouraged to “walk” daily in that blessed victory the Lord Jesus died for you to enjoy!
  • Overcoming Doubt

    Learn to Overcome Doubts and Receive God's Promises

    A 2-Part Teaching
  • It is God's will for each of His children to Excel in Christ! Overcoming metastatic colon cancer has not only taught me how to excel in my identity in Christ, it has also revealed that the key to receiving All of God's promises is primarily based on having an unwavering identity "rooted" in Christ. With this revelation, this audio CD teaching will equip you with simple ways to become grounded in your identity in Christ, thus enabling you to excel. Many Christians are still living and approaching life just like the unbelievers do, with much fear, worry, panic, uncertainty, defeat, etc, resulting in wrong decisions and outcomes. But it ought not to be this way for the true Christian who has the promises of abundance through Christ! So, why is it that many Christians are not able to appropriate God's blessings in their lives? Is it because of wrong teaching? Or, is it because they do not know their true identity in Christ, or how to receive from God? In this 2-Part series, Dr Ruth teaches you what you need to know about your new "DNA" in Christ.

    In Part 1: Dr Ruth explains the changes that have occurred in your spirit, if you are a genuine follower of the Lord Jesus Christ.

    In 2 Part 2: Dr Ruth teaches you how to "walk" daily in your new identity in Christ, and excel.

    It is God's will for us, Christians, to live in abundance! This teaching will equip you with how to do just that!
  • Live Above Your Fears & Overcome Sicknesses and Diseases

    A 2 Part Series in the collective Series on Why People Get Sick

  • Holy Spirit-lLed Healthy Emotions & Your Health

    A 2-Part Teaching on Fruit of the Spirit and Health Outcomes.

    A 2-Part Teaching
  • Faith to Receive God's Promises |How to "Walk" in BIBLICAL FAITH and Allow the BLESSINGS OF GOD to Chase You The Bible teaches that without faith it is impossible to please God. So biblical faith is the primary channel by which we can receive All of God's promises available to us by grace, because of our relationship with Jesus Christ. But, unfortunately, many individuals do not have the revelation of what true biblical faith is all about, and/or do not know how to "walk" in biblical faith and receive God's blessings. As Christians, God has left us with only one choice: to "walk" and live by faith in order to experience His countless provisions and blessings in this present life; so how do you do that? This 2 part teaching on biblical faith teaches you (1) what biblical faith is all about; and (2) how to " walk' in biblical faith daily, thus fostering obedience. In Part 1: Dr Ruth teaches you the true meaning of biblical faith, and explains the different types of faith as taught in the Bible. In Part 2: Dr Ruth explains the essential "Laws of Faith" as described in the Bible, and she teaches you how to apply these laws in your life daily, thereby "walking" and living in faith and allowing God's blessings to chase you. The Bible teaches that the just shall live by faith - this teaching will help you to do just that! You will be strengthened and be encouraged to "step out" in faith and trust God in every area of your life.
  • Be Anxious No More

    Learn to Overcome Your Anxiety

    A 2 Part Series in the collective Series on Why People Get Sick
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